Royal Ambassador
Bible Distribution.

Royal Ambassadors Ministries is following the big mission assigned by our Lord Jesus Christ while saying “Go into all the Word and preach the Gospel to every creature”.

Royal Ambassador
Gospel Sharing

We preach the real Gospel (Jesus is the Christ) the solution of all problems.

Royal Ambassador
Welfare Trust.

Royal Ambassadors Ministries is committed to uplift the needy people of society. Royal Ambassadors Ministries is distributing sewing machines among women to work at home and earn for their families.

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School of Hope

School of Hope is an educational project being supported by Espoir Et Partage Association through Royal Ambassadors Welfare Trust in Pakistan.

Welcome At Royal Ambassador Ministry

Thanks for visiting us on the web. The Royal Amassadors Ministries started its work in 2007 and now by the Grace of Lord it has grown up and doing much more. We started several sewing centres during this period, distributed wheel chairs to handycaps people, Distributed food items, started two Schools one in Karachi and one in Islamabad for diserving children with name “SCHOOL OF HOPE”.

Our Mission

Spreading Gospel

Everyone knows the Good News of Holy Bible


All children have the opportunity to attain an excellent education.


Everyone has a decent place to live.

Basic Necessities

Every person has easy access to life’s most basic needs.


Every person has the opportunity to achieve their potential .